Medway Boys & Ikari - Presents - FIGHTING SOCCER 79 Lines (1783 Bytes Decrunched) Docs by Phantom Lord (MEDWAY BOYS) LOADING INSTRUCTIONS AMIGA Turn on the computer and wait for the WORKBENCH prompt, then insert the game disc. ATARI ST Insert the disc in drive A and switch on the computer. FIGHTING SOCCER --------------- A fast and furious game of nerve, skill and challenging that will bounce right out of your monitor! Battle against ten other countries in this international Olympic tournament and slide tackle your opponents through five gruelling rounds of intense play. Dribble, kick, shoot, head and foul your way to the Olympic trophy - in FIGHTING SOCCER ... FIGHT TO WIN!!! ARROW MODE ---------- If keyboard mode is selected the arrow moves around the player showing in which direction you kick, that is, there is independant movement of the arrow. If joystick mode is selected, the arrow will automatically point in the direction of the player, and therefore the ball will be kicked in that direction. GAME CONTROLS ------------- ST/AMIGA Joystick Port 1 = Player 2 2 = Player 1 FIRE Player has ball = Short Kick Player has not got ball = Slide Ball in the air = Header DOUBLE FIRE Player has ball = Long Kick Player has not got ball = Slide Ball in the air = Header If in joystick arrpor mode then arrows direction is determined by players direction. Otherwise: PLAYER 1 -------- LEFT RIGHT Amiga = left ALT left AMIGA ST = left SHIFT | \ PLAYER 2 -------- Amiga = right AMIGA right ALT ST = keypad 0 keypad . Pausing the game ---------------- P = toggle pause mode. ESC = quit.